viernes, 29 de junio de 2007


Firstly, apologies to whom may be offended by finding an English written piece on a Mexican Blog. Bloody shocking, isn’t it. But you’ll have to deal with it in case you don’t like it. Kudos to those who don’t mind, cos I ain’t no gringo. What’s the reason for it? Cos that’s the way I like it, a-ha a-ha.

Lately I’ve been wondering how much our work as ppl living in adland is actually valued. Is it all worth it, do we really have a voice, the late nights, the long hours, the brainstrain mash-ups, and the client dealings. The ppl are surely nice, so is the coming to work in clothes that could easily be mistaken for dirty pjs, but forget about dressing like a bum… that’s something else. Let me quickly spill my guts on quality of work.
Quality of work is not necessarily if the offices you work in are a bloody testament to trendyness, if they allow you to come in flipflops that show your minging toe nails, if so, then sweet, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Try working your butt off, virtually being worse than someone’s pretty woman, cos even though we might get paid we, more often than not, end up bending over not once but several times for our clients (for the same price!!!). Damn! Do I wish I had a pimp to protect my skinny white batty crease.

So, we get paid to provide a so called quality and professional service, since we’re supposed to be the experts in our field. Right, in that case the way it ought to work, and continuing with the former analogy, we ought to be seen as something of an S&M mistress type of thing: we know what’s best for you to have the utmost satisfaction, in the right dosages in the right places, through the right tools. Oooh yeah! Instead, we’re very frequently treated more like your friendly neighbourhood crack hoe: “I pay you, so even though you might want or not want to do a specific sometin sometin cos you thing it’s the right thing to do, I, being the one who pays will tell you what to do and when to do it, no matter if in the end I end up getting some funky disease, or else…”

Uhu. Feeling a bit like a dookie? Really rewarding if that’s the sort of thing you’re into. But it’s seriously messed up to have come up with some great homework and be sent to your room with no dinner for it. And it’s not like we have weak personalities or that we lack the knowledge (naturally we’re always thinking we could be smarter) we just lack the position to defend ourselves. Often it’s like being in a box fight trying to hit your contender (who by the way should be your Don King) with a nice pair of plush gloves while big mamma Tyson is raining bare knuckle punches on your face while softly gnawing at your ear.

So what’s there to do?

Rebel? Outsmart them? Be diplomatic and hope it all goes away? Hardly. You can’t tell your haemorrhoids to go away by just sweet talking them, you gotta treat them differently, innit. So for all our sakes, let’s all start commanding some respect. From our colleagues, from our clients but most importantly from ourselves.

Like the folks at W+K and Honda say: Hate is great.
We got hate, now let’s go change things.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2007

martes, 19 de junio de 2007

Mientras lo leen.....

Algo impresionante me pareció...está bueno compartirlo. Los quiero, nunca cambien!!!!!!!!

Para empezar con orgullo

Para todo aquel que trabaje como planner en una agencia de publicidad y/o similar.

Esto es para uds.

Un "monumento en video" (Si no nos echamos porras nosotros, entonces ¿quién?)